Expandable shelters are ideal for field operations requiring speed, flexibility, and easy transport. Constructed with lightweight but rigid, self-supporting materials, these shelters are designed for rapid deployment and immediate operation, as they travel pre-fitted with onboard medical equipment, significantly reducing hospital setup time.

Thanks to ISO-standard logistics hooks, the shelters can be transported by land or air, including helicopter lifts and C130 transport, ensuring access to remote or semi-prepared terrains. 
The expandable shelters developed by Emergency Solutions combine innovation and interoperability, with sidewalls that fold out to create increased internal height, offering superior comfort.

Key Features:

Expandable System: Sidewalls open into floors, providing superior height and interior space compared to standard shelters.
Strategic Materials: Constructed with steel profiles and lightweight sandwich panels, they are NATO, ACE, ISO, and UEO compliant, sourced from industry rather than military, for faster delivery times.
Transport Versatility: Optimized for movement by land, air (including helicopters and C130s), and sea, adaptable to various operational scenarios.

Shelter Espandibile

  • Emergency Solutions fornisce spazi sanitari immediati permettendo in tempi rapidi di adattarsi alle continue evoluzioni tecnologiche in atto in questa epoca
  • Studiamo e realizziamo per voi soluzioni avanzate per rispondere alle minacce globali di salute
  • Emergency Solutions provides immediate healthcare space allowing rapid adaption to the continuous technological evolutions underway in this era
  • We study and realize advanced solutions for you to respond to global health threats
Emergency Solutions, fornisce ospedali mobili modulari, in grado di rispondere ad esigenze di ristrutturazione dell'ospedale e in caso di emergenze sanitarie ed umanitarie.
Emergency Solutions supplies modular mobile hospitals, capable of responding to hospital restructuring needs and in the event of health and humanitarian emergencies.
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