Page 3 - HighMobilityMobileHospital
P. 3

Dimensional drawing


                                                       4870                                                  1880

                                     4420                                          1070

                                                         1980                                 2295


                                                               Technical room                  Inner wall

                                             Technical Room                     Electrical Panel
 Light Alloy Shelter 3V  Constructed of stainless steel and
 Our  shelters  are  designed  for   aluminum  sandwich  panels  the
 mobile  installation  and  the  pro-  unit is thermally and acoustically
 tection of high level medical and   insulated. When the pod is collap-
 electronic  equipment  and  appli-  sed it meets ISO20 requirements
 cations. We have many customers   for a shipping container.
 using these shelters as indepen-  All  of  the  technological  systems
 dent  functional units in open spa-  are  fully  integrated  directly  into
 ces. There are several innovations
 in our shelters which have allowed   the units.
 us  to  become  Industry  leaders     All  our  containers  are  complete-
 and our reputation has led to the   ly configurable to best meet your
 wide  distribution  and  operation   needs.
 of our systems all over the world.
 Compared  to  traditional  mobile   BL3 Laboratory                             Tent coupling system
 units such as tents or prefabrica-
 tions we provide:

 - Rapid assembly: 15 minutes

 - Higher mechanical performance
 (stackable up to 4 pieces)

 -Greater mobility forks lift and ISO

 -Longer service life anti-corrosion
 painted system

 High Mobility  High Mobility
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